User is unable to retrieve some document numbers in Forms Printing. Message ‘No Rows Retrieved’ appears when retrieving rows.
APV status is fully paid and period end has been processed.
1. Check the following tables:
declare @doc_no1 as char(8),
@doc_no2 as char(8)
set @doc_no1 = '8VP12560'
set @doc_no2 = '8vp12560'
-- a_apy_doc
select printd_flg, trans_code, *
from a_apy_doc
where doc_no_fr = @doc_no1
select *
from a_opn_inv_hdr_hst
where doc_no = @doc_no1
– a_open_pay
select *
from a_open_pay
where pay_doc_no in (@doc_no1, @doc_no2)
-- a_gl_ap_trans
select *
from a_gl_ap_trans
where doc_no_appl = @doc_no1
-- c_apy_ctl
select fiscal_period, *
from c_apy_ctl
2. To determine the particulars needed by the user, run query below:
declare @supplier as char(8),
@ref_no as char(20),
@trans_apv as char(3)
set @supplier = '192043'
set @ref_no = '8VP12-560'
set @trans_apv = 'APV'
-- a_gl_ap_trans
select trans_date, supplier, trans_code, ref_no, trans_amt, doc_no, particulars
from a_gl_ap_trans
where supplier = @supplier
and ref_no = @ref_no
and trans_code = @trans_apv
order by doc_no, trans_code_appl
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